Is Fleet server able to run synthetic monitoring?

Hey there, I am trying to use the Fleet server to test the synthetic monitoring feature.
Using a Docker-compose I am running a single instance for
Fleet server

I would like to know what is the missing component in this kind of scenario.
Is the Fleet server able to test synthetic monitoring by itself or should I enroll another elastic agent?
I am following docs but I feel it a little bit tricky. I have to jump from one page to another one.

Currently using this for the Beats legacy Heartbeat Monitoring - HTTP, ICMP & TCP (TCP has been a bit flaky in the past for fleet managed agents

However, I still user a docker container for Elastic-Synthetic with Playwright scripts

So, basically there are 2 options:

  • Using an Elastic-Agent to run synthetic monitoring
  • Using the Fleet Server with the Elastic Synthetics integration

is that correct?


@rschirin Thanks for joining the presentation yesterday :wink:

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