Is it possible for kibana to display/hide visualization based on

Hello team,

Is it possible for kibana to display/hide visualization based on

I have a visual that is shown like this:
and i notice the default setting of the Item URL points to a master Dashboard where the hostname filter be applied.

However, I would want Linux hosts to display different visuals compared to Windows Hosts.
Eg: Windows has extra visuals such as Startup States, Service States, Event Logs.

Otherwise, how can i edit the item url to point to specific dashboards?

What kind of visualization is this? It's possible to link directly the appropriate underlying visualization, versus just the dashboard, but it depends on the type of chart/viz this is.

I was trying to hide certain visual on the same dashboard depending on the kind of filter was used. However, i realised that this could not be done.
I appreciate the reply :slight_smile:

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