Does Kibana dashboard inherits filters from visualization?

I have filter by hostgroup in my visualization, and seems that dashboard inherits this filter, but when I press filters in dahboard, Im still habe the posibility to change the hostgroup. this will override my previous filter?

Does Kibana dashboard inherits filters from visualization?

In short: Yes, filters from the vis are also applied on dashboards, but no, it won't overwrite it but try to apply both criteria at the same time.

Long explanation:
When you have a filter pill in a visualization and save it, this filter will be saved along with the visualization. If you embed the visualization on a dashboard, the filter pill will be invisible but active for that single visualization (not for the whole dashboard). If you add filter pills to the dashboard as well, they are merged with the filters of the visualization.


  1. You create visualization A with a filter hostgroup: A
  2. You create visualization B with a filter hostgroup: B
  3. You add both of them to a dashboard - vis A will only show documents from hostgroup A, vis B will only show documents from hostgroup B
  4. You add a filter myOtherField: C to the dashboard - vis A will only show documents from hostgroup A AND myOtherField C, vis B will only show documents from hostgroup B AND myOtherField C

Keep in mind, it will not overwrite an existing filter for a field but just add an additional filter, so if you
5. Add a filter hostgroup: C to the dashboard - vis A will only show documents which have both hostgroups A and C, vis B will only show documents which have both hostgroups B and C - most likely this won't return any results at all because each document just has a single hostgroup value - but it can be useful for array fields.


Thank Joe, great answer!

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