is it possible to auth kibana with coding a kibana plugin?
or another way
is kibana plugin system support authentication?
thanks for your answer.
is it possible to auth kibana with coding a kibana plugin?
or another way
is kibana plugin system support authentication?
thanks for your answer.
i don't really understand the question, but in general you can do a lot with plugins
but just as a reminder, there is a big chance new version of kibana won't work with your plugin and you will need to constantly keep it up to date.
thanks for your reply
what i want is a security solution for Kibana. for example ,to auth kibana with username and password.
i suppose plugin can help me to do this.?
there is x-pack which has a security for elasticsearch and kibana.
i think there are also some 3rd party plugins, so unless you really want something specially designed for your use case i would suggest you to not write your own
Can you recommend some plugin?
x-pack for sure, its the only one supported by elastic
ok,, then is it possible writing a kibana security plugin for a nodejs developer?
since i noticed kibana plugin is coded with nodejs
yes, kibana server side is nodejs and frontend is js (angular and react)
sorry ,i donot understand 'yes' in your sentence
did it point to the fact kibana is writen in nodejs?
or point to the question if one can written a security plugin ,without hacking kibana
thank you
it pointed toe the fact kibana is written in nodeJS, however the answer to can one write a kibana security plugin
is yes as well
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