Issue during version upgrade from 7.17.8 to 8.12.2


I am trying to upgrade Kibana node from 7.17.8 to 8.12.2. So first we have installed Elasticsearch 8.12.2 on Kibana node and on elasticsearch service start I am getting below error

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.elasticsearch.license.License.operationMode()" because "license" is null

From Kibana to Elasticsearch

@DavidTurner @Christian_Dahlqvist please help here. Thanks

No idea, sorry. Please don't ping random folks to draw them into a conversation. We're all volunteers here and it's really rather rude to demand attention like that.

Apologies. Noted. Thanks

If someone is going to be able to help I would recommend you provide more details about exactly the steps you have taken and what the environment look like. Also provide more of the logs so there is some context.

I have the same issue after upgrading my environment from 7.17 to 8.11.
Sorry about bringing up an old topic. Googling my error only returned this page as a result.

My assumption from reading the documentation is that a new config value was added for licensing as I now see there is talk about free and subscription features. However, I was unable to find any reference to config values or how to update the config file with any of the upgrade documentation located.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hello and welcome,

Are you doing this same update path from 7.17.8 to 8.12.2? I would suggest that you open a new topic with your specific issue and share the logs you have with the error.

it got resolved by restarting the elasticsearch and kibana service again