Issue in Kibana 4 loading


I have elasticsearch,logstash and kibana 4 installed. but when I hit Kibana 4 url like [kibana IP:5601], I get following shard failure errors from kibana 4 discover page.

Any pointers why this is happening?

Thanks in advance!

What version of Kibana are you running?

Kibana 4.1.1,

Everything is configured correctly, still dont know why this is happening..
I have setup like this:

HOST1: One component which generate logs + logstash 1.5.4 ==> to send logs to redis
HOST2: Redis, Elasticsearch 1.7 and logstash 1.5.4 ==> to parse logs on basis of groks(It receives logs from redis and forward it to nginx)
HOST3: nginx + Kibana 4.1.1

nginx is pointing to elasticsearch and kibana 4.1.1 is pointing to nginx

Do you get these failures every time you're querying Kibana or intermittently? Any errors either in the Kibana logs or on the Elasticsearch side?

It's resolved ... I restarted all servers...and it worked fine. Thanks.