Issue in mapping of fileds

I am getting netflows from nprobe at Kibana. The template i am using while run nprobe is


But what i get in kibana is that field names are not properly mapped but just numbers. The values are rights but thier filed names are not correct. Any one can help/suggest solution.


this seems to be not a Kibana problem, but a you need to check how your data is inserted in Elasticsearch, so you need to take a closer look an the nprobe configuration. sorry I can't support you here in a proper way, since I don't know nprobe. Just one question between nprobe and Elasticsearch, do you use Logstash in between?



Thank you very much Matthias for your time, yes it was nprobe issue, I fixed it by using "--json-labels" at the end of my nprobe's command.

No, I'm not using Logstash, just telling the nprobe to sent flows directly to Elasticsearch like this:

sudo nprobe --zmq "tcp://*:5556" -i ens12 -n none -T "@NTOPNG@" --elastic "flows;nprobe-%Y.%m.%d;http://localhost:9200/_bulk" --json-labels


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Interesting, thanks for sharing!

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