Issue with Creating CSV Reports in Kibana 8.8.0


I'm using Kibana 8.8.0 on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS and encountering an issue when attempting to generate CSV reports. Each attempt results in a "Failed to create report" error message. Unfortunately, the error logs do not provide further details on the cause of this failure.

I have checked the Kibana error logs using journalctl and filtered for "Failed to create report" but didn't find any relevant entries that could point to the underlying issue.

Error messages in the console:

  • HttpFetchError at a specific line in core.entry.js
  • A fetchResponse failure at another line in the same file.

I'm looking for any insights or experiences that might help in diagnosing and resolving this issue.

Thank you for your help.

Have you checked the reporting troubleshooting page, there's indication for a reporting diagnostics tool that may help to nail down the issue

Hope it helps