Kibana 6.8.23 CSV reporting is always failing

I am running two instances of Kibana. When I generate CSV report it is always failing and giving message "failed to generate report maximum 3 attempt reached". if anybody has idea please suggest what could be the reason for failure. Kibana log says report generated successfully

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2022-10-14T08:28:42Z","tags":["reporting","csv","debug"],"pid":91,"message":"finished generating, total size in bytes: 1542"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2022-10-14T08:28:42Z","tags":["reporting","esqueue","worker","debug"],"pid":91,"message":"l980dom4002jda1b6065391v - Completed job l988a025002jda1b608eivxa"}

Hi @Sarat_Khilar

Did you check official docs and can confirm your setup is correct? Do you run Kibana behind any reverse proxy? It can also be a reason.

Regards, Dima

Hi @Dzmitry
I have checked all the configurations are correct and it is not running behind reverse proxy. Log is saying it is generated successfully. But from UI it is showing failed.

Hi @Sarat_Khilar

How much RAM did you allocated to your Kibana instance? For reporting it must be at least 2Gb and failing report can happen when there is not enough memory.

Please also check our troubleshooting guide:

Regards, Dima

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