Issue with ISO8601 date stored as string in my index

Dear Community,

I have a Custom Log integration active on my ELK Stack which get a file located in a specific path of my server where Elastic Agent is installed.

Here an example of the source of data :

08DCC572EA626F63 2024-08-29T08:06:57.359Z 2024-08-29T08:06:57.361Z 25 0 empty 1 SERVER Default Frontend SERVER 
08DCC572EA626F64 2024-08-29T08:07:04.343Z 2024-08-29T08:07:04.344Z 587 0 empty 1 SERVER Client Frontend SERVER

Here the processors of my custom pipeline for this datastream

    "grok": {
      "field": "message",
      "patterns": [
        "%{WORD:Transaction} %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:Start_Transaction} %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:End_Transaction} %{IP:ServerIP} %{INT:ServerPort} %{INT:LoginState} %{HOSTPORT:ProxyServer} %{IP:RemoteIP} %{HTTPDUSER:UserName} %{INT:State} %{HOSTNAME:ServerName} %{GREEDYDATA:Connector}"
    "set": {
      "field": "Exchange.Protocol",
      "value": "SMTP"

Unfortunately the fields Start_Transaction and End_Transaction are stored as string and not date.

If i am not wrong ISO8601 is understood as a format for a date type , why my fields are converted as strings ?

My Stack ELK is at the version 8.15.

Best Regards, Edouard Fazenda.

I have found the solution :

The use of strict_date_time built in formater.

format | Elasticsearch Guide [8.15] | Elastic

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