Issues with Fleet after upgrade to 7.11

After an Upgrade to 7.11, i receive Errors about composable templates that back data streams. Because of this, I can't open the Fleet view. The errors occur for seemingly all data streams. The indices have no aliases configured in the Index Management view. I haven't really messed with any of the default index or data stream settings, especially not the "managed" ones.

Below is a sample error from Fleet:

[illegal_argument_exception] updating component template [metrics-endpoint.metadata-mappings] results in invalid composable template [metrics-endpoint.metadata] after templates are merged response from /_component_template/metrics-endpoint.metadata-mappings: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"updating component template [metrics-endpoint.metadata-mappings] results in invalid composable template [metrics-endpoint.metadata] after templates are merged"}],"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"updating component template [metrics-endpoint.metadata-mappings] results in invalid composable template [metrics-endpoint.metadata] after templates are merged","caused_by":{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"template [metrics-endpoint.metadata] has alias and data stream definitions"}},"status":400}

neither metrics-endpoint.metadata nor the component template metrics-endpoint.metadata-mappings have any aliases defined. Searching for the term "metadata" in _cat/aliases does not turn up any results.

Hi @nemhods,

Sorry for the inconveniences,
There is an open bug, you can subscribe for the updates:


thanks for the quick update. I'll see if I can contribute.

Hi @nemhods,

we've provided a manual workaround in the linked github issue.

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