I'm encountering an issue in Kibana 8.9.1 where changes made in the Visualize Library to the Metricbeat Docker ECS table, for example, do not persist after a set number of days. Specifically, the visualization defaults to a Buckets size of 5, and even though I manually change it to 100, it reverts back after a couple of days. How can I make these changes persist?
Additionally, I'm seeing a similar issue with the index mapping total fields limit. After running the following command in Dev Tools:
PUT /_all/_settings
"index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 15000
it reverts back to a much smaller number after a couple of weeks.
Here are the relevant configuration files in case something needs to be adjusted:
My first guess is that someone or some process is running the metricbeat setup command which is overriding your templates and visualizations dashboards..
I think the issue might be in the metricbeat.yml with setup.dashboards.enabled being set to True. I have changed it to False and will see if this is the solution for the metricbeat visuals persistence. Do you see anything in the below docker-compose that could be changed to persist the index mapping total fields limit amount? Thank you very much!
When dashboard loading is enabled, Metricbeat overwrites any existing dashboards that match the names of the dashboards you are loading. This happens every time Metricbeat starts.
So that is why your dashboards are being overwritten when you restart metricbeat
Is that your entire metricbeat.yml because what I was suspecting was that you had set see docs
setup.template.overwrite: true
Metricbeat will load the templates on start but should not be overwriting... unless something / another metricbeat is overwriting or explicating running setup again..
Wonderful, thank you so much for your help with the Metricbeat visuals persistence. That was the complete metricbeat.yml but good information for the next person to ensure setup.template.overwrite is set to False.
For the Index Mapping limit persistence issue, I am seeing this error when checking Metricbeat docker logs:
\"illegal_argument_exception\",\"reason\":\"Limit of total fields [10000] has been exceeded while adding new fields [38]\"}}, dropping event!","service.name":"metricbeat","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
I then go into Dev Tools and run
PUT /_all/_settings
"index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 15000
but this reverts every few days. How can I make this persist and alleviate the need to rerun this command in Dev Tools?
When you run that command, it sets the settings on existing indexes.
But when metricbeat index rolls over And creates a new index the new index will not have that setting
You need to go into the metricbeat index template And edit it / update it and put that setting in the template. So when the next / New indexes are created, it gets that setting.
By the way, This has been fixed in the latest metricbeat.
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