JSON indexing in kibana

I have created a index using kibana console

the sample JSON data format -

"added_on":"2021-09-28 17:58:16",
"added_on":"2021-09-28 17:58:16",
"added_on":"2021-09-28 17:58:16",
"added_on":"2021-09-28 17:58:16",

indexed data look like this

the data is in JSON format in which
Data (field) have two fields inside it as patient name and gender

I want to get count of gender by using the gender field from Data

which will show the results like this

Is there any way to do this in ES?

You need to convert the Data String as a proper json field.

Then you will be able to do this.

You can do it on existing documents using a runtime field but it's better to do this at index time.

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