
[2017-04-02T12:58:21,669][WARN ][o.e.m.j.JvmGcMonitorService][ElasticSearch] [gc][old][100133][11872] duration [12.7s], collections [1]/[14s], total [12.7s]/[1.1h], memory [29.6gb]->[27.6gb]/[30.7gb], all_pools {[young] [1.7gb]->[15.9mb]/[1.8gb]}{[survivo

Hello I am Getting these error constantly , The Heap is set to 31G , We have 11 nodes out of which 8 are data nodes . The index is only opened for 2 days and for previous day the indices are closed .heap.percent always stays around 90% on data nodes . There is kibana dashboard on top of the node

How many indices/shards do you have open in the cluster?

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