Kibana 4.3 showing blank pages after creating or deleting Indices

Hi Tanya,

Yes it is all fresh Installation . I am sure it is not just me facing this problem . I have seen many new posts from different users facing same issue . Earlier I was thinking may be windows 8 causes the problem , but Ubuntu users also facing the same issue .

Things I have done

  1. Fresh Installation of ES and Kibana
  2. No change in the configurations .So I am using all the default config settings for both ES and Kibana.
  3. Create a simple index using Sense as shown above.

Problem I am facing
When I type Index name in kibana , I can see "date" field appears for selection . When I click on date field , kibana keep on processing and keep on trying to get data in the discover page . After 10-15 min sometimes I get Fatal error on kibana page (mentioned in my original post) otherwise I kill processes of ES and Kibana and start both the processes again , to check if the index pattern has been created in kibana , unfortunately every time after doing all the above steps Kibana shows blank pages .

My Understanding

As per my understanding it is the date which creates the problem , the index which I am creating directly in ES using Sense is not correct or new ES is not supporting it .