Kibana 5 : Sense plugin installation fails in windows

I'm trying to install the Sense plugin in Kibana 5.0.1 and I am using windows 7 As per the documentation I have used following commands

bin/kibana-plugin install <package name or URL>

I am getting follwing error:

  1. Using Package name : kibana-plugin install sense

D:\workplace\kibana-5.0.1-windows-x86\bin>kibana-plugin install sense Attempting to transfer from sense Attempting to transfer from s/sense/ Error: Client request error: connect ETIMEDOUT Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Client request error: connect ETIMEDOUT"

  1. Using URL :

D:\workplace\kibana-5.0.1-windows-x86\bin>kibana-plugin install https :// Attempting to transfer from se-latest.tar.gz Error: Client request error: connect ETIMEDOUT Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Client request error: connect ETIMEDOUT"

  1. Using downloaded file

D:\workplace\kibana-5.0.1-windows-x86\bin>kibana-plugin install file//D:/workpla ce/sense-2.0.0-beta7.tar.gz Attempting to transfer from file//D:/workplace/sense-2.0.0-beta7.tar.gz Attempting to transfer from s/file//D:/workplace/sense-2.0.0-beta7.tar.gz/file//D:/workplace/sense-2.0.0-bet Error: Client request error: connect ETIMEDOUT Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Client request error: connect ETIMEDOUT"

Anyone have solution please?

Thank you in advance.

Hi Sharmila,

I'm not an expert but had the same problem with Kibana-4.6.2 and solved it with the right kibana-plugin syntax which seems wrong in your post, if I'm not wrong too.
That's what I did on my PC:

C:\zApps\\kibana\kibana-4.6.2-windows-x86> bin\kibana.bat plugin -i sense -u file://C:\zApps\\kibana\kibana-4.6.2-windows-x86\downloadedPlugins\sense-2.0.0-beta7.tar.gz

Installing sense
Attempting to transfer from file://C:\zApps\\kibana\kibana-4.6.2-windows-x86\downloadedPlugins\sense-2.0.0-beta7.tar.gz
Transferring 1386775 bytes....................
Transfer complete
Extracting plugin archive
Extraction complete
Optimizing and caching browser bundles...
Plugin installation complete


As you may notice, I used "kibana plugin -i" (-i = install) command, not "kibana-plugin", pointing it to the downloaded file (notice the slashes/backslashes, half *nix half windows).
It worked for me, I hope it helps you too.


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