I recently upgraded from ES 5.6.5 to ES 6.0.1 as well as Kibana to 6.0.1.
Before I could search a quoted string "some unique string" in the earlier rendition of our log setup and I would get something back relatively quick.
Now, if I issue the same search in Kibana 6.0.1 it hangs and times out eventually.
There is no load on the ES cluster (UNIX load of 1 on a 16 core system with 122G of ram and utilizing 31G of heap).
I have tried to delete the migrated kibana index and create a new one from scratch to no avail.
Example search:
"Request Failed" -> times out
errorType:"Request Failed" -> returns quickly
I see nothing in the ES or kibana logs that show me a problem.
Any help would be appreciated