Kibana 6.3 in a --dev mode constantly restarting the server due to changes I didn't make

Kibana 6.3 constantly restarting the server due to changes I didn't make
It works fine without --dev. The only option to get it working is to delete an "optimize" folder then start in prod mode, drop it and then start --dev. That is super weird behavior

What caused constant restarting the server? Do you know any possible way to fix it?

Do you have a question we can help with on the forum? There are two things I notice about your setup:

  • It's unclear to me why you are using dev mode
  • You are using 6.3, which we don't support. 6.8 is the only supported release in the 6.x series
  • You seem to be using windows?

Yes, the question is: What caused constant restarting the server? Do you know any possible way to fix it?

  1. i have a project where i need to make some changes, it's easier to debag in a dev mode. The full command is: node --max-old-space-size=8096 scripts/kibana --dev
  2. okay
  3. yes, i use windows os

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