Kibana 6.5.1 install problem

I installed kibana 6.5.1, but I accidentally delete the kibana bundles
rm -rf /usr/share/kibana/optimize/bundles
and now when I try to run kibana , It doesn't work. So I've tried to re install kibana but It doesn't work too, what should I do?

did you remove any old artifacts left on reinstall?

Yes, I deleted the Kibana folder.
The message when I run Kibana again is optimizing and catching bundles for ml....... This may taje a few minutes... , but Kibana never works propertly and if I started kibana as a service it never stabilizes.

You need to wait until the optimization ends. But maybe there are some problems with the permissions on the folder after this. Can you check that it has write access in the bundles folder?

I got this problem,

I saw a forum and I set this
an env.variable
$NODE_OPTIONS --max-old-space-size=4096.

but It still failing.

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