Kibana 7.5.4, Ubuntu 18.04 - tag not listed in index


I have a java spring boot 2 application and it ships logs to ES. Metrics are logged in elastic search and can be seen in Kibana but the 'tag' field is missing.

All common metrics are logged with tag 'host', the index has all the fields but not the tag. What could be wrong ?


Hi @svyas1,

if you are querying your Elasticsearch data directly, is the host tag present in the documents? Asking differently is it just Kibana not showing your field or is it not even ingested into Elasticsearch?

If Elasticsearch is also not containing your data, this question is not related to Kibana but Elasticsearch and should be posted in the appropriate forum.

If it's just Kibana not showing your data even though it is present in Elasticsearch, please post your index mapping here for further guidance.

Hi Joe,

Host tag is now present in documents. Earlier it was not ingested in elastic search. It required fixing the configuration in application.

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