Kibana 8.5.3, Aggregation Based Visualization Error

In kibana 8.5.3 version, using Aggregation based Visualization, I created 3 'split slices' sub-buckets and
in 1st level, one filter type sub aggregation and
in 2nd level, two filter type sub aggregation and
in 3rd level, three filter type sub aggregation,
and Slice size by Count.
Until 2nd level is created the donut chart is showing correct counts

ISSUE: when 3rd level is created, the counts at 3rd level is showing correctly,
but 1st and 2nd level counts are updated with the sum of 3 filter counts from 3rd level(NOT EXPECTED).

Have anyone experienced this and know how to solve it?
Expected: 3rd level should show the appropriate filters count and not disturb the value of 1st and 2nd level filter counts
This scenario was working fine in version 6.x and when we migrated to 8.x, we see this issue

Any suggestion on this is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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