Kibana - Aggregation based - "Show values on chart" doesn't work correctly

Hi evryone :blush:

I'm using the "aggregation based" visualisation on my Dashboard, specifically the Vertical bar chart and I have something very strange which is happening: I'm using the "Show values on chart" button on the right panel settings window, it usually worked well, but this time it shows "zero" values when it's not. I did some screenshot to show you.

On this one it shows "0" but you can see (on the small black window) it should be "4" :

On this one it should be "1" instead of "0":


For all the "0" in the chart this is the same thing.

Any idea of what could it be?

Thanks in advance :blush:

Hi @JenniferL

what version of the stack are you on?

Hi Marco,

Stack Management 7.13.1

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