Kibana: alert with various fields

This is my scenario: I have two fields (A and B) and I would like to create an alert where if sum(A+B) > 90% (or A / B > 1) should trigger the alert. It is possible to do that with alerts with Kibana?

Hi, you can do this with runtime fields.

Create a runtime field, for example called ab_sum, in your metrics data that calculates the sum of the two fields. Then create a rule definition of an index threshold rule type that alerts when the calculated field is greater than 0.9.

As the example of how to define the rule, the when and threshold may look like:

  • When: max() of "ab_sum"
  • Threshold: is above 0.90

Would this script create that new field?

PUT my-index-000001/
  "mappings": {
    "runtime": {
      "ab_sum": {
        "type": "keyword",
        "script": {
          "source": "['a'].value + ['b'].value"


      "runtime": {
        "ab_sum": {
          "type": "long",
          "script": {
            "source": "emit(doc['field_a'].value + doc['field_b'].value)"

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