Kibana bar chart doesn't work for filters aggregation

Dear experts,

I created several Vega (lite) barcharts using this code:

  title: Login Method Distribution
  data: {
    url: {
    format: {property: "aggregations.nested_app.saml_message.loginmethods.buckets"}
  mark: bar
  encoding: {
    y: {
      field: key
      type: nominal
      sort: -x
      axis: {title: "Login Method"}
    x: {
      field: doc_count
      type: quantitative
      axis: {title: "Number of logins last 7 days"}

This works fine with buckets resulting from terms aggregation:

          "buckets" : [
              "key" : "",
              "doc_count" : 91652,
              "key" : "",
              "doc_count" : 14446

but not with buckets resulting from filters aggregation:

"buckets" : {
            "CERTIFICATE" : {
              "doc_count" : 167523
            "MSCERTIFICATE" : {
              "doc_count" : 4865

Any idea how to change the encoding (or other) sections to get this accomplished?

Thanks and br,

You are using named filters instead of anonymous filters. Anonymous filters will return the same format as the Terms aggregation.

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Hey Wylie,

Thanks for your valuable hint!

I was thinking about this option already, however in that case I get the values in the format below and I have no idea how to map them to the related keys. The bar (or even better a pie) chart should show the counts of 'CERTIFICATE', 'MSCERTIFICATE', etc...

          "buckets" : [
              "doc_count" : 1135
              "doc_count" : 1136

Meanwhile I figured out that if filters aren't anonymous, I can access the doc_count field this way: MSCERTIFICATE.doc_count but then I still have no idea how to 'paint' the bar chart properly so that all options are displayed and not just one:

    y: {
      field: MSCERTIFICATE
      type: nominal
      sort: -x
      axis: {title: "Login Method"}
    x: {
      field: MSCERTIFICATE.doc_count
      type: quantitative
      axis: {title: "Number of logins last 7 days"}

I would need sth like

    y1: {
      field: MSCERTIFICATE
      type: nominal
      sort: -x
      axis: {title: "Login Method"}
    x1: {
      field: MSCERTIFICATE.doc_count
      type: quantitative
      axis: {title: "Number of logins last 7 days"}
    y2: {
      field: CERTIFICATE
      type: nominal
      sort: -x
      axis: {title: "Login Method"}
    x2: {
      field: CERTIFICATE.doc_count
      type: quantitative
      axis: {title: "Number of logins last 7 days"}

Hope you can help me out here,

format: {property: "aggregations.nested_app.saml_message.loginmethods.buckets"}

In your first sample buckets is an array. In the example above it is not. So you should be getting an error when trying to format it I think.

How or why I don't know, just pointing that part out.

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Yes, thx, that's exactly the problem! This is how filters aggregation works. The question is how to modify my Vega configuration to make the bar chart work anyway!

Did you try buckets.CERTIFICATE.doc_count and buckets.MSCERTIFICATE.doc_count?

Not sure what your data looks like. If that doesn't work can you paste in the response from the query?

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I see your point. Using named filters is probably best, and then you can use the fold transform in Vega-Lite. Here is an example:

  "$schema": "",
  "data": {
    "values": [{
      "buckets" : {
        "CERTIFICATE" : {
          "doc_count" : 167523
        "MSCERTIFICATE" : {
          "doc_count" : 4865
  "transform": [{
    "fold": ["buckets.CERTIFICATE", "buckets.MSCERTIFICATE"]
  "mark": "bar",
  "encoding": {
    "x": {
      "field": "key",
      "type": "ordinal"
    "y": {
      "field": "value.doc_count",
      "type": "quantitative"

Bäm this works!! Thanks a lot, very appreciated!!


I am facing the same problem, in Vega-Lite Editor I can see the examples results. But in Kibana I can only see the x- and y- Axis, with their names key and value.doc_count but the graph is empty.

Are you maybe familiar with that problem?

@grra I would open a new topic with your question and include your Vega Spec if possible.

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