Kibana Canvas - dropdownControl v. 8.9.2

Hi there, I'm trying to use a dropdownControl in order to filter values from a datatable, but i was unable to do that, i followed some post here but i can't fix it. The currently behaviour is the following:

  • In my dropdown I can see the available values i wan to filter
  • In my datatable I can see the available values to filter
  • When I select an option in my dropdown every data in my datatable disappears.

This is the code I have for my dropdown:

  query="SELECT prometheus.labels.microservice as microservice
         FROM \"metricbeat-*\" 
         WHERE \"@timestamp\" > NOW() - INTERVAL 15 MINUTES
         AND microservice IS NOT NULL
         GROUP BY microservice"
| dropdownControl valueColumn="microservice" filterColumn="microservice" filterGroup="ms-group"

This is the code I have for my datatable:

| selectFilter group="ms-group"
| essql 
  query="SELECT prometheus.labels.microservice AS microservice,
                AVG(prometheus.metrics.process_cpu_usage) AS avg_cpu_usage
         FROM \"metricbeat-*\" 
         WHERE \"@timestamp\" > NOW() - INTERVAL 15 MINUTES
         AND microservice IS NOT NULL
         GROUP BY microservice"
| table
| render

If I missed something please let me know.

NOTE: I'm using Kibana 8.9.2

Hi again, I solved the problem, it seems that we can't use aliases in the dropdown query and properties, so I changed to this in my dropdownControl:

  query="SELECT prometheus.labels.microservice
         FROM \"metricbeat-*\" 
         WHERE \"@timestamp\" > NOW() - INTERVAL 15 MINUTES
         AND prometheus.labels.microservice IS NOT NULL
         GROUP BY prometheus.labels.microservice"
| dropdownControl valueColumn="prometheus.labels.microservice" filterColumn="prometheus.labels.microservice" filterGroup="ms-group"

And this is my code for the datatable

| essql 
  query="SELECT prometheus.labels.microservice AS microservice,
                AVG(prometheus.metrics.process_cpu_usage) AS avg_cpu_usage
         FROM \"metricbeat-*\" 
         WHERE \"@timestamp\" > NOW() - INTERVAL 15 MINUTES
         AND prometheus.labels.microservice is not null
         GROUP BY prometheus.labels.microservice"
| table
| render
