Kibana chat always get gap

The chat always get gap about per 20 minutes. But i can discover the doc on the gap point.

why did this happen?

Could you please provide some more details ?

  • what are you trying to achieve
  • what do you expect to get ?
  • what are you getting ?
  • configurations for the chart and aggregations
  • es request and response

I thought there is no gap in the chat.The metric index per 30 seconds.

The chat come from Time Series

  "title": "Kafka JVM Heap",
  "type": "metrics",
  "params": {
    "axis_formatter": "number",
    "axis_position": "left",
    "id": "61ca57f0-469d-11e7-af02-69e470af7417",
    "index_pattern": "jmx-*",
    "interval": "auto",
    "series": [
        "axis_position": "right",
        "chart_type": "line",
        "color": "rgba(0,98,177,1)",
        "fill": "0",
        "filter": "java_lang_type:\"Memory\"",
        "formatter": "bytes",
        "id": "61ca57f1-469d-11e7-af02-69e470af7417",
        "line_width": "2",
        "metrics": [
            "field": "HeapMemoryUsage.max",
            "id": "61ca57f2-469d-11e7-af02-69e470af7417",
            "type": "max"
        "point_size": "2",
        "seperate_axis": 0,
        "split_mode": "filter",
        "stacked": "none",
        "terms_field": "hostname.keyword",
        "split_color_mode": "rainbow",
        "steps": 0,
        "label": "Max Heap",
        "value_template": "{{value}}",
        "terms_order_by": "61ca57f2-469d-11e7-af02-69e470af7417"
        "id": "3d06b460-4e06-11e8-86e7-13218e493b33",
        "color": "rgba(104,204,202,1)",
        "split_mode": "filter",
        "metrics": [
            "id": "3d06db70-4e06-11e8-86e7-13218e493b33",
            "type": "max",
            "field": "HeapMemoryUsage.used"
        "seperate_axis": 0,
        "axis_position": "right",
        "formatter": "bytes",
        "chart_type": "line",
        "line_width": "2",
        "point_size": "2",
        "fill": "0",
        "stacked": "none",
        "label": "Used Heap",
        "filter": "java_lang_type:\"Memory\"",
        "value_template": "{{value}}",
        "terms_field": "hostname.keyword"
    "show_grid": 1,
    "show_legend": 1,
    "time_field": "timestamp",
    "type": "timeseries",
    "legend_position": "bottom"
  "aggs": []

The es node request.

The indices performance.

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