Kibana compare with yesterday

In Kibana, how to compare last 0-24 hours with last 24-48 hours in a single chart?

You need to use TimeLion for that -

I got this error when installing timelion

Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Optimizations failure.

ERROR in ./installedPlugins/timelion/public/app.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' /opt/kibana/installedPlugins/timelion/public/directives/scroll_class in /opt/kibana/installedPlugins/timelion/public
 @ ./installedPlugins/timelion/public/app.js 12:0-51

Can you show me example of query how to do it?

Did you manage to get past this step? I am trying to install timelion today (5/27/16) and keep seeing this error over and over :cry:

I face the same issue as you. I opened a new topic on the forum because I did not see your post. (Timelion Installation Troubles)