Kibana dashboard thrwoing error

Could not locate that index-pattern (id: metricbeat-*), click here to re-create it

Am not too sure if you have indexed your data correctly. Can you please list the steps you have taken to come upto this point ? Screenshots, logs and more information help debug the issue.

You can also follow the getting started tutorial which gives you more details about how this all works.


metric beat index..I am able to discover the data..but unable to view in dashboard

In order to understand your use case, you need to provide all information to us: what version are you using, what are the steps you have taken to get to this point, logs to support, gifs etc.

However, I think you might be hitting a bug there as well. Provide as much info as you can. Did you import visualizations as well ?


How to import visualizations?

Since you are a newbie, I would highly recommend you to follow this getting started guide to Kibana:


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