Kibana did not load properly in kibana version 6.6

kibana version:6.6.0

i can not open kibana in my chrome, the error message is:

Kibana did not load properly. Check the server output for more information.

and i use f12 to debug, i found some js file not found

the server logs:


    "message":"GET /app/kibanadlls/vendors.bundle.dll.js 404 42ms - 9.0B"

i deleted some Sensitive information above

found reason, cause my nginx configuration is not right.

Glad you were able to resolve the issue!

Can you please share the fix here?

I am getting the exact same error on localhost with no nginx involved.


Hey.. Were you able to resolve this? I am also facing same issue. Line numbers 29 and 70 from bootstrap.js

hi, @Rishindra_Kumar, @NoMemoryError , in my case, nginx is used as a reverse proxy. and i set "server.basePath:/monitor" in my kibana confi, so i have to remove "monitor" prefix in my nginx conf as follows.

location  /monitor/ {
            proxy_pass http://ip:port/app/kibana;
        location /monitor/bundles/ {
            proxy_pass http://ip:port/bundles/;
        location /monitor/plugins/{
            proxy_pass http://ip:port/plugins/;
        location /monitor/ui/{
            proxy_pass http://ip:port/ui/;
        location /monitor/es_admin/{
            proxy_pass http://ip:port/es_admin/;
        location /monitor/elasticsearch/{
            proxy_pass http://ip:port/elasticsearch/;
        location /monitor/api/{
            proxy_pass http://ip:port/api/;
        location /monitor/app/{
            proxy_pass http://ip:port/app/;
location /monitor/dlls/{
            proxy_pass http://ip:port/dlls/;

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