KIBANA Division Filed with filter / Filed

i have 84 fields in my index and i am trying to build a line chart using following fields.

  1. mt_closed_cases.dv_case_cta_flag - This is string filed contains only two values either 'Y' or 'N'
  2. fiscal month - it contains month names in string format.
  3. Case Category - This is string filed

So my requirement is, to build a line chart with following

count( mt_closed_cases.dv_case_cta_flag='Y') / count(mt_closed_cases.dv_case_cta_flag) by fiscal month

could you please help me

This is a good use for Timelion. Which can allow you to overlay the open/closed cases

timelion is working but there x-axis is fixed , can't we change x-axis to our custom filed ?

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