Hi @jordansissel thanks for your reply.
So the guide I was following is the one from digital ocean (can be found here --> https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-map-user-location-with-geoip-and-elk-elasticsearch-logstash-and-kibana )
Regarding the geo stuff I can see the fields with (?) next in Kibana meaning that these arent indexed (?). Either way the error message that I was getting back was: geopoint was not there. I went over this ( Geo_point - no compatible types ) and also this ( Geo_Point Field Exists, But Kibana Can't Find It ) but I need a bit more light to understand what I have to do... I can definitely see 'clientip' field since I have already configured some Kibana dashboards with that...
I am using logstash version 5.0.1
For the second problem nevermind I managed to delete the indices and do everything from scratch so it works now. Still I dont have the geolocation though Is there another guide that I can follow?