Kibana fails to start when using the Network Plugin


I tried using the Kibana network plugin on my Ubuntu 18 version by downloading the latest version of the network plugin tar.gz file as the Kibana version on my system is 7.6
But when I start the Kibana service - it fails with the below mentioned error in the logs:

**> FATAL Error: Optimizations failure.

ERROR in ./plugins/network_vis/public/network_vis.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'ui/vis/vis_factory' in '/usr/share/kibana/plugins/network_vis/public'

kibana.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
kibana.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
kibana.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.**

Below is the details of package.json file

**> {

"name": "network_vis",
"version": "7.5.2",
"kibana": {
"version": "kibana"
"authors": [
"David Moreno Lumbreras"
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "GitHub - dlumbrer/kbn_network: Network Plugin for Kibana"
"dependencies": {
"vis-network": "7.2.0",
"randomcolor": "0.5.0",
"css-element-queries": "0.3.2",
"keycharm": "^0.2.0",
"moment": "^2.24.0",
"vis-data": "^6.2.1",
"vis-util": "^1.1.8"

And below is the content in the network_vis.js file

**> import "plugins/network_vis/network_vis.less";

import { KbnNetworkVisController } from './network_vis_controller'
import { visFactory } from 'ui/vis/vis_factory';
import { Schemas } from 'ui/vis/editors/default/schemas';
import { setup as visualizations } from '../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/legacy';
import image from './images/icon-network.svg';
import networkVisTemplate from 'plugins/network_vis/network_vis.html';
import networkVisParamsTemplate from 'plugins/network_vis/network_vis_params.html';
import { AngularVisController } from 'ui/vis/vis_types/angular_vis_type';

// register the provider with the visTypes registry

// define the TableVisType
function NetworkVisTypeProvider(Private) {

// return the visType object, which kibana will use to display and configure new
// Vis object of this type.
return visFactory.createBaseVisualization({
name: 'network',
title: 'Network',
description: 'Displays a network node that link two fields that have been selected.',
visualization: AngularVisController,
visConfig: {
defaults: {
showLabels: true,
showPopup: true,
showColorLegend: true,
nodePhysics: true,
firstNodeColor: '#6F86D7',
secondNodeColor: '#DAA05D',
canvasBackgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
shapeFirstNode: 'dot',
shapeSecondNode: 'box',
displayArrow: false,
posArrow: 'to',
shapeArrow: 'arrow',
smoothType: 'continuous',
scaleArrow: 1,
minCutMetricSizeNode: 0,
maxNodeSize: 80,
minNodeSize: 8,
maxEdgeSize: 20,
minEdgeSize: 0.1,
springConstant: 0.001,
gravitationalConstant: -35000,
labelColor: '#000000'
template: networkVisTemplate,
editorConfig: {
optionsTemplate: networkVisParamsTemplate,
schemas: new Schemas([
group: 'metrics',
name: 'size_node',
title: 'Node Size',
mustBeFirst: 'true',
min: 1,
max: 1,
defaults: [
{ type: 'count', schema: 'size_node' }
group: 'metrics',
name: 'size_edge',
title: 'Edge Size',
max: 1,
group: 'buckets',
name: 'first',
icon: 'fa fa-circle-thin',
mustBeFirst: 'true',
title: 'Node',
min: 1,
max: 2,
aggFilter: ['terms']//Only have sense choose terms
group: 'buckets',
name: 'second',
icon: 'fa fa-random',
title: 'Relation',
max: 1,
aggFilter: ['terms']
group: 'buckets',
name: 'colornode',
icon: 'fa fa-paint-brush',
title: 'Node Color',
max: 1,
aggFilter: ['terms']
group: 'buckets',
name: 'colornode',
icon: 'fa fa-paint-brush',
title: 'Node Color',
max: 1,
aggFilter: ['terms']
responseHandlerConfig: {
asAggConfigResults: true
// structures the data tables (returned by kibana in resp and in UI Inspect)
hierarchicalData: function (vis) {
return true;

export default NetworkVisTypeProvider;**

I am unable to get a proper resolution for it from anywhere on the google or the digitalocean website.

Can anyone help me here with this issue ? How can this be resolved and what changes will I have to make?

Hi, I have the same issue than you,

The plugin doesn't working for now on 7.6.0 version, you can try to downgrade to 7.4.0

The best would be to contact the plugin creator, if they have a github page or something. It's not created or maintained by us.

I tried contacting the dev and also have created an issue there, but no response from the dev yet.
Could you help if you have any idea about the issue and the solution for it ?

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