Kibana - Filtering by buckets


First of all, let me describe my data source:
I have business items that run through multiple processes.
I've got a historic SQL table, in which all actions (item status changed, item processed, item viewed,...) regarding those items are stored.

Here is a minimal example of that table:

Item Action Date
1 process a started 2024-06-01
2 process a started 2024-06-02
2 process c started 2024-06-03
1 process b started 2024-06-04
1 finished 2024-06-05
2 finished 2024-06-06

Using Logstash, i load this table into elasticsearch. Then, performing a transform i created in painless implementing the business logic, grouping by ID and using buckets, i achieve the following structure for my target Index in elasticsearch:

  "buckets": [
	  "duration_in_days": 3,
	  "process": "a",
	  "duration_in_days": 1,
	  "process": "b",
  "item_id": 1
  "buckets": [
	  "duration_in_days": 1,
	  "process": "a",
	  "duration_in_days": 3,
	  "process": "c",
  "item_id": 2

My end goal is to create a visualisationwhich visualizes the duration of each process per document, e.g. a table in Kibana that looks like this:

Item Process Duration
1 a 3
1 b 1
2 a 1
2 c 3

But also i want it to be possible to use the filter controls in Kibana to filter the table by Process and by Item, e.g. if i set the Filters to Item = 1 and Process = 'a', i want the table to only contain that row:

Item Process Duration
1 a 3

Right now, with my strategy, this is not possible, since my in my structure i create a document in the index for each Item with buckets for each process. So if i filter by process, all documents containing that process in their buckets will be shown.

How can i adapt my strategy to achieve my goal? Can this be done in kibana? Do i have to adjust the transform script to create one document within the target index for each item-process combination?

Any help would be very much appreciated, thanks in advance!

@greco @przemekwitek pinging you since you helped me last time providing a hacky solution regarding buckets.

Is this case solvable using buckets or do you see a better alternative?

Thanks in advance!

Am I making an obvious mistake or am I missing something? Have I assigned the wrong category to the topic?
I still haven't found a solution for this case, I would be very grateful for any help.

Hello? :frowning:

I am desperately looking for help!

From Kibana to Elasticsearch