Kibana forwarding headers to Elastic Search Request

Hi Guys,

With custom realm implementation we are planning to implement a custom authentication for Elastic Search.

Some discussions have already pointed that "Kibana forwards request headers to Elastic Search".

Now my question is once the Initial Dashboard is populated:

If we apply any additional filters on the Dashboard does the new request also carries the initial headers set while launching Kibana Dashboard?

Has any one tried similar set up with Kibana (Forwarding request headers to Elastic Search and using it) and applying additional filter once the initial results are retrieved?


If we apply any additional filters on the Dashboard does the new request also carries the initial headers set while launching Kibana Dashboard?

If the headers were passed with the initial load, I believe they will also be passed as you continue to use Kibana.

What headers specifically are you trying to pass through? And how are you loading that initial dashboard?