Kibana Granted document query for multiple filter


I have an requirement of creating a role which has limited permission of data in index privileges using granted document query.

For example: User1 should be restricted when installation id: 1 and stageid:2 d matches in granted document query. Applied with the following query but its not working.

"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [{
"match": {
"installationid": "JohnMX"
"match": {
"stageid": "UAT"

Data is coming blank as there is data in it.

kindly suggest me with different query or share some link for how to write query in kibana>Roles>Indexprivileges>Granted document query.
Thanks in advance.

If that's a literal copy of what you entered, then the issue is that you have a top-level "query" field.

The DLS query is a query not a search, so it should be:

  "bool": {
    "filter": [
        "match": {
          "installationid": "JohnMX"
        "match": {
          "stageid": "UAT"
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@TimV Thanks alot, now my query is working properly!!

Hello TimV,

I have another requirment for the granted document query level in kibana roles tab.

For Example: User1 should be restricted to customer id: 1 and installation id: 1 and
Stage id: {1,2,3} n granted document query.

Applied with the following query but its not working.

"bool": {
"filter": [
"match": {
"customerid": "John"
"match": {
"installationid": "JohnMX"

	"terms": {
      "stageid": [ "PAT", "UAT" ]


Please help


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