Kibana iframe with Token (Authentication purpose)

Hello @ikakavas,

As per your comments. i have used token service made a [POST ] call to my elastic api "/_security/oauth2/token" which is running on"9200" to generate tokens and it is successful in getting access token and refresh token. Please may i know the next step to store the token in my browser. I don't think it will work if i set the bearer token in my browser with any "keyname"..

Also, I have also tried another alternative using this post:

If you refer to the screenshot, I was able to get some JSON response. But i am not getting the cookie.

Do I need to make any changes in elasticsearch.yaml or kibana.yaml files in order to get the cookie? If i get the cookie. I can store it in my browser. But, Will it work after getting the cookie?
Please can you provide me a right path in achieving this.