Kibana left panel visualization bug after adding plugin


I'm testing my new kibana plugin and when visualizing it the following happens to the side bard:

As you can see when I click the new plugin "extractor" the plugins names and icones become unsync. This only happens when I click my plugin with other buttons works just fine.

Don't know how my plugin can cause such effect on the side-bar would appreciate any tip.

Hey @george1, can you share the code that you're using to register your plugin app?

Hello @Brandon_Kobe, I used the kibana plugin generator so I presume the plugin app is registered in the index.js:

import { resolve } from 'path';
import func1 from './server/routes/func1';
import func2 from './server/routes/func2';

export default function (kibana) {
  return new kibana.Plugin({
    require: ['elasticsearch'],
    name: 'extractor',
    uiExports: {
      app: {
        title: 'extractor',
        description: 'my plugin description',
        main: 'plugins/extractor/app'
      translations: [
        resolve(__dirname, './translations/es.json')

    config(Joi) {
      return Joi.object({
        enabled: Joi.boolean().default(true),

    init(server, options) {
      // Add server routes and initialize the plugin here



Sorry for the functions names.
Let me know if I got the wrong file.

Interesting... I'm seeing the following when using that code, have you tried updating your Kibana source code?

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