Kibana Navigation - Too Many Dashboards


I want to hear from others about how they best navigate between custom dashboards. Especially when you have created a lot.

I don't find the Dashboard UI useful at all, even with our tags.

Before you ask, yes there has already been feature requests submitted to improve dashboard navigation, they are working on it (I hope)

Until then, we have countless dashboards, and we can't fit them all in Markdown or Links. We created Links as a panel and have added it to every dashboard. This is not ideal. Links and Markdown take up dashboard real estate.

I been attempting to possibly create a landing dashboard with all the links and then within each dashboard, add just home link to avoid adding the links panel to each dashboard.

I wish there was away to organize Dashboard UI into a tree folder hierarchy.

I wanted to hear from others on how they are managing their navigation?

Thanks for reaching out, @erikg. Would Kibana Spaces work for your purposes?

Hey @jessgarson
We already utilize Spaces:

We have about more than 60+ dashboards per space

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Thanks, @erikg. Ah yes, that adds some additional context. There is an older post from this forum that might provide some ideas here.

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Thanks @jessgarson ,
I don't think that would help because spinning up another Kibana Instance would not be ideal but thanks!

I attempting to create a home directory dashboard, have all links in one dashboard and make that the landing page but still open to other ideas.

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A home / directory Dashboard is a great place to start. You can utilize multiple links panels to structure the different categories of Dashboards the home page links off to.

Additionally, you can also update Kibana to make your directory dashboard the default route under Advanced settings. This will let your users skip the Dashboard Listing page entirely. See this discuss post for more info.

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