Kibana not returning records when aggregating on long string values

I have an index which contains columns like event-type, description etc. event-type field has event types like LOG, ERROR, INFO etc. I am trying to create a data table in Kibana which includes description column too. When event-type is ERROR Kibana doesn't return any record.

The pattern I observed was that in case of ERROR description field contained a very long string like whole error message along with exception stack trace. When description string was smaller record would be returned. Is there any such behaviour with Elasticsearch. What do I need to do in order to be able to pull out even these records?

As far as I know there isn't any open issue regarding large string values in Kibana.
Can you give me more details so that I try to reproduce the issue?
What version of Kibana are you using? Where are you trying to view the records: Discover page, a Visualization, etc?

Yes surely. Below are the details

Kibana version: 5.1.2
ES version: 5.1.2
I checking this data on a data table visualisation. I checked in Kibana response window there's no error from ES.

I will attach some screenshots tomorrow for further reference.
Thanks a lot for responding :slight_smile:

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