I have one server with logstash installed and another one with elasticsearch and kibana.
In logstash server
if i use input
file {
path => "name.log"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
codec => "json"
then its inserted in leastic and kibana shows all the logs correctly.
But if i use input{}
s3 {
access_key_id => "XXXXXXX"
bucket => "DFDFD"
region => "REE"
secret_access_key => "BHBHBHB"
prefix => "myfile"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
codec => "json"
backup_add_prefix => "PNAME"
backup_to_bucket => 'BNAME'
delete => true
data is inserted in elastic but its not logged in the kibana.
Is there anything i am missing out in this?
Help appreciated.