Kibana reporting error on windows

I have Kibana v7.10.0 running on ms windows server 2019 onprem

When I try to generate a PDF report from a dashboard in Kibana I get this error:


I tried the Reporting Diagnostics from the stack management, but it gets stuck in "check screen capture".

I found this trouble shooting guide

There is a section of some os called CentOS and Ubuntu, but my bellowed windows is missing, is the any way to get reporting working when Kibana run on windows?


Hi @bering!

Let me get some additional information. Do you have any error messages in the kibana.log? Also, if the report diagnostic shows a problem with screen capture it might be related to how the kibana service is started. How are you starting the Kibana service on windows? If there are no useful error message in the Kibana log, we may need to also get some additional debug by doing env DEBUG="puppeteer:*" ./bin/kibana from the Puppeteer Debug Log section of the troubleshooting guide.


Hi @LizaD

Today it is working again, I haven't changed anything - just rebooted.

Thank you for your time



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