Kibana search bar in dashboard


Im working in Kibana 7.8.1.
I have a dashboard with a controls visualization and a table. The controls visualization has a dropdown menu - at the moment I dont have more than 100 data entries, but sooner than later im gonna have more than millions of data entries. Im thinking this would make the dropdown slower, but even if it doesnt, here is my question:

Is it possible to make a search bar in your dashboard that accepts any user input? So it looks like the options-control, but without the options?
Something like this maybe, where the first field is the user input, and the second field is the options control, as already exists:


Thanks in advance!

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at the moment I dont have more than 100 data entries, but sooner than later im gonna have more than millions of data entries

The input control vis was designed with scale in mind, so it should work fine. It won't fetch all possible values at once.

There is no search bar widget you could add as a panel to a dashboard, but couldn't the user just use the regular search bar on top?

I guess they could use the regular search bar. I just like the idea of all the features being places inside the dashboard

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