Kibana Security Settings

While I'm using security tab on Kibana, I'm getting permission denied error.
Kindly help on this
thanks in advance

Hi, what version of Kibana is this?

Did you have to log in when you opened Kibana in the browser?

Are there any messages showing up in the Kibana server console?

First of all thanks for your reply.
I have no related log under /var/log/kibana so there aren't any messages showing up in the Kibana server console.

the version 6.4.0

What user are you using to access that page. It probable doesn't have enough permissions to access that page.

thanks for your reply, there is no defined user to access that page. I

which file or path do i give permission

Can you post the result of the Get user API call for the user you're using to access that page?

Also, if you want an user to access that page, the builtin elastic user will have the capabilities for it.

Thanks for your answers
I got attached error

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