Kibana server working but blank

Hey, recently upgraded to kibana 5.1.1 on centos 7.2. Server is working fine, i go to localhost:5601 and the new (pinker) kibana loads good but everything is blank like in the printscreen:

Even if i click on the other buttons, everything stays the same, except for timelion which seems to work properly.

Anyone knows whats wrong with this?

Does the browser developer tools provide any additional information? Any error messages?

yeah but i dont really know what to do with it

Obviously kibana is running. And about the "indexPattern's configured pattern does not match any indices", shouldnt kibana create a new index in ES?

Yes, kibana does create a .kibana index, but it doesn't look like that is the cause of the error.

It appears that there is a problem with an existing index pattern in kibana. I was able to recreate this situation by forcing a bad index-pattern record into my .kibana index.

What is the nature of your upgrade? Are there existing visualizations/etc that you want to preserve from the previous version?

Do you still have elasticsearch indexes that would match the index-pattern 'tracy-*'?

Filebeat, Logstash and ElasticSearch automatically upgraded so Kibana stopped working, thats why i upgraded to a newer version compatible with the others.

I dont need to preserve any visualization, i just use Kibana to check the stream of data that goes into Elasticsearch.

No i dont have ES indexes that match the pattern tracy-*

I deleted the .kibana index and restarted kibana and now it works.

Maybe the old .kibana index is not compatible with the new one?

If you don't care about any of the existing data in kibana, you can delete your .kibana index, and it will be recreated when you restart kibana.

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Ha. You beat me to it.
It was incompatible because your default index pattern was pointing to indices that no longer exist.

Thank you for your help!

You're welcome! Glad we were able to get that resolved!

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