Kibana state become yellow after upgrade to version 7.16.2

Greetings all!
I have encountered with this problem when I upgrading my Kibana from version 7.15.2 to 7.16.2
When looking at the status, some of the plugins shows yellow state. These are the plugins that are affected due to the upgrade.

On the side note, I have also created a new kibana encryption key using bin/kibana-plugin generate to create a new savedObject key inside kibana.yml

Is there any explanation due to this Kibana behaviour?


Is your Kibana functional and operational? Do you see anything in the logs?


Hi @bhavyarm! Currently my Kibana is fully functional & operational but as for logs, these were shown in my console:

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2021-12-31T15:59:46+08:00","tags":["error","plugins","encryptedSavedObjects"],"pid":5596,"message":"Failed to decrypt \"apiKey\" attribute: Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data"}

If I try to re-install the plugin using this command: bin/kibana-plugin install apm
The output on the console shows no url was found.

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