Kibana tag cloud does not count frequency of words in a text field

Hi There,
Kibana tag cloud does not count frequency of words in my text field

let's say i have a field named : Ticket_text.keyword and here are some examples:

hello world here I am

hello everybody this is blah

in this world

I want my visualization to show "hello" as the most frequent and "world" as the second etc ... in my dashboard, but tag cloud treats my field as a whole not by individual words. how can I fix that?

Hi @Mehran_Goodarzi and welcome to the community!

Take a look at this thread.

the TL;DR:

Keyword fields are indexed as a whole value, whereas a Text field is indexed as individual terms or tokens.
You will need to use the Text field and make sure it has "fielddata": true so it is aggregatable.
This may require re-mapping or reindexing depending on your situation.

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