Kibana throwing error "{"statusCode":503,"error":"Service Unavailable","message":"Service Unavailable"}"

Hi Team,
Im using kibana version 6.4.0 and when ever i try to save or create new index im getting 503 error.

All the elasticsearch service are up and running.

My setup is 3 Master and 3 Data and 1 coordinate Node.

My ES service status is Green.

Could any help me on this.


Could you provide some details? How do you create this new indices in Kibana, in DevTools? Is there data in Elasticsearch and you've got an index pattern to query it e.g. in Discover?

Thx & Best,

@matw Thanks for the quick response,

i used to create new index via Management window. When i try to save new search as well getting same error.

we have 2 kibana server and both working via coordinate nodes

so you can query, but you cannot write into ES, or does both fail?

yes i can query the condition, but when i try to save the saved search or try to create index pattern im getting error in it.

I see, are there any error messages in you Elasticsearch log? is there a proxy between Kibana and Elasticsearch

There is no proxy between ES and kibana.Could you be specific on which log do you need coordinate node es log or data node or master node

I would search for error messages in all of them, could you record and share network activities of your browser when this error happens by a HAR file? thx!

Please find my network activity and message which get write on coordinate node log,

but both kibana and elasticsearch are running on both kibana server
message log:

[2021-02-10T10:02:27,899][DEBUG][o.e.a.a.c.n.i.TransportNodesInfoAction] [kibanapr23] failed to execute on node [ksKrcxEUQFuQSu6LntOmsw]
org.elasticsearch.transport.NodeNotConnectedException: [kibanapr23][] Node not connected

Request Header:

Key Value
Request POST /api/saved_objects/search?overwrite=true HTTP/1.1
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{"attributes":{"title":"New Saved Search","description":"","hits":0,"columns":["_source"],"sort":["@timestamp","desc"],"version":1,"kibanaSavedObjectMeta":{"searchSourceJSON":"{"index":"9288dde0-6043-11ea-9dba-3353da487509","highlightAll":true,"version":true,"query":{"query":"","language":"lucene"},"filter":}"}}}

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Response HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
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Date Wed, 10 Feb 2021 08:07:31 GMT
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Response body:

{"statusCode":503,"error":"Service Unavailable","message":"Service Unavailable"}


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@matw any help with that above information

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