Kibana-to-elastic: reason: unable to verify the first certificate


I have installed elasticsearch:8.5.1 and kibana:8.5.1 in gk1 with kubernetes 1.26. The kibana console when try to access elastic reports this error:

            We can’t establish a connection to Enterprise Search at the host URL https://elasticsearch-master:9200(opens in a new tab or 
            window) due to the following error:
            502 Bad Gateway

And the kibana pod reports this error:

            [2023-11-05T18:14:21.668+00:00][ERROR][plugins.enterpriseSearch] Could not perform access check to Enterprise Search: 
            FetchError: request to https://elasticsearch-master:9200/api/ent/v2/internal/client_config failed, reason: unable to verify the 
            first certificate

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