Kibana v.8.14.1 - Canvas Filters not getting applied to VEGA & VEGA panels getting refreshed back to 15mins in Canvas

Hello Team,

I am currently working on building a Canvas in Kibana (v8.14.1) and encountering the following challenges:

  1. When applying filters (Dropdown Select or Timefilter), they are not being applied to the VEGA visualization (configured using the Select type).
  2. The timerange for the VEGA visualization keeps reverting to the "Last 15 minutes" setting, even after increasing the auto-refresh interval to 24 hours in AutoPay. Additionally, disabling the "Apply Custom Time Range" option only works temporarily, as it gets re-enabled after some time, defaulting back to the 15-minute timerange.

Could you please provide guidance on resolving these issues?

A similar issue was reported recently, unfortunately fixing bugs in Canvas is not a priority and it is unlikely to happen. This other may also be related.

See this other issue for a bit more of details.

Thanks for your revert...

So do you want to say this feature Dropdown (Select filter apply to VEGA/LENS in Canvas) is not supported as of now ?
And also please update about the second query

Thanks in advance