Kibana visualize network bandwidth from metribeat

You will probably have more success using Timelion in this case.

.es(index="metricbeat-*", metric="", split="", kibana=true).derivative().scale_interval(1s).if(operator="lt", if=0, then=0).trim(start=2,end=1).label(regex="^.* > .*$", label="$1").lines(width=2).yaxis(label="bytes / sec", min=0)

Lets break this down a bit...


Query the metricbeat-* index in Elasticsearch for the field, returning values for up to 10 instances of interface names ( split="" ). The chart should also apply Kibana timescales and filters ( kibana=true ).

Since the value is a counter we need the delta between successive buckets.

We want the value expressed as the number of bytes per second.

.if(operator="lt", if=0, then=0)
If the value is less than zero, such as when the counter wraps, use zero instead. This will fix your negative spike issue.

By removing the first two and last values we can remove a visual artifact that can occur due to partial time buckets at the beginning and end of the chart.

.label(regex="^.* > .*$", label="$1")
Extract the interface name from the auto-generated label and use that in the legend.

I like a thinner line than the default, especially when displaying multiple interfaces on the same chart.

`.yaxis(label="bytes / sec", min=0)``
Finally, add a label to the y-axis to display the indicated units.

The resulting chart will be similar to this... (this config is a little different than above)
